Thursday, August 17, 2023

 As a child, Deepak (name changed) used to miss a lot of school because he would be at home with uncontrollable diarrhea or vomiting and general weakness due to his upset stomach. "I have always been told that I have a weak stomach and that I should watch what I eat," Deepak says. Despite being very careful with his diet and avoiding outside food as much as possible, his symptoms would flare up unexpectedly. "By the time Deepak reached his adolescence, his condition had deteriorated." Deepak's father says, "He started having rectal bleeding, was extremely underweight, and his social life was ruined due to his unpredictable bowel movements."

After years of suffering from stomach cramps and poor health, Deepak's family sought the advice of a gastroenterologist, who informed them that Deepak's condition was known as ulcerative colitis. Deepak's ulcerative colitis, however, showed no signs of improvement after months of medication and treatment. Finally, the doctor advised him to have surgery to help him gain control of his symptoms. "We panicked when surgery was mentioned. I did not want my son to have any surgery because I knew it would have long-term consequences which could drastically affect his quality of life. I conducted extensive research to find alternative methods to treat Deepak's ulcerative colitis and ultimately chose Ayurvedic therapy," Deepak's father says.

The family's first choice for Ayurvedic treatment for Deepak's ulcerative colitis was the NABH-accredited Vaidya Healthcare in Ernakulam, Kerala. Dr. Kiran B Nair, CEO of Vaidya Healthcare, had years of experience treating chronic ulcerative colitis, which gave them confidence. 

"Ulcerative colitis is associated with Pittaja Grahani in Ayurveda, which is usually due to pitta and Rakta impairment," Dr. Kiran explains. According to Dr. Kiran, ulcerative colitis has no specific underlying cause but is frequently associated with increased stress, a weakened immune system, poor diet, and so on. Vaidya Healthcare treats ulcerative colitis from both a physical and psychological standpoint. 

"Deepak came to us severely malnourished and in constant pain. Our primary goal was to provide him with relief from the pain and distress caused by the condition. To accomplish this, we began Panchakarma therapies with the goal of cleansing and rejuvenating his body," explains Dr. Kiran. This was supplemented by pathya (diet control) and yoga. Diet plays a critical role in the treatment of chronic conditions such as ulcerative colitis by strengthening the immune system. Yoga and exercise help to reduce stress, which helps to break the vicious cycle of stress-induced ulcerative colitis and ulcerative colitis symptoms causing more stress. 

Deepak has benefited greatly from Vaidya Healthcare's three-pronged approach. Within a month, his condition began to improve. "Just seeing our son not in pain or having a normal bowel movement was cause for celebration," Deepak's father says. Deepak is on the mend from his chronic ulcerative colitis and looking forward to living a more normal life. 

Dr. Kiran believes that ulcerative colitis is a treatable condition if the patient adheres to the treatment plan devised by Vaidya Healthcare and according to him, Deepak is an excellent case in point.


Vaidya Health Care Hospital

MC Road,Vattakatupady

Perumbavoor,Ernakulam ,Kerala India 683542 

0091-9744-55-3000 , 0091 9995922289

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 As a child, Deepak (name changed) used to miss a lot of school because he would be at home with uncontrollable diarrhea or vomiting and gen...